Group Leader Resources & Updates
- 1 Timothy 4:12-16
- ABC's
- Accountability
- Adding People
- Apply The Bible
- Attendance
- Authenticity
- Baptism
- Beginning of Trimester
- Beyond
- Bible Reading
- Bible Study
- Break
- Brighton
- Building Relationships
- COVID-19
- Care
- Celebration
- Change
- Checklist
- Childcare
- Christmas
- Coaches
- Communion
- Community
- Confession
- Confrontation
- Counseling
- Cultivate Relationships
- Curr
- Curriculum
- Database
- Dates
- Delegation
- Developing Leaders
- Difficult People
- Dinner
- Dis
- Discipleship
- Discussion
- End of Trimester
- End of Trimester Feedback
- Ending On Time
- Essentials
- Expectations
- Facilitation
- Feedback
4 Ways To Make The Most Of The Summer
What is your group doing this summer? Here are 4 ways to make sure you get the most out of the summer and prepare your group to succeed this fall.
What Can We Expect From Group?
Our expectations are often shaped by our past group experience, good or bad, but what should we expect to happen in our group and what if our current group doesn’t meet those expectations?
How To Help Your Group Pray For Each Other
How do you get your group members to pray for each other outside of your group meetings? Here is 1 simple tool to help our group members follow through when we say “I’ll pray for you.”
Groups Update: To-Know and To-Do This Week
What's coming? Here is everything you need to know for our final Community Group trimester.
4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader
Are any of these true of you? How you lead now may end up in you not leading later. How can you avoid burn out as a Group Leader?
3 Ideas That Will Change You and Your Group Members
How do you get your group members to change? Try these 3 ideas.
Everything You Need To Do Before Group Next Week
Are you ready for group? Make sure to cover these 9 details before group begins.
Why Summer Is Dangerous For You and Your Group
Here are 2 ideas to help your group navigate the danger of summer.