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10 Simple Ideas to Connect With Your Group This Summer
Here are a few simple ideas to enjoy your break while staying connected.
9 Tips to Finishing Group Well
As we finish up the group year, here are 9 tips to help ensure the spiritual health of each group attendee and the future success of your group.
Communion, Dinner, And The Gospel
From celebrating communion to planning for the summer, here are some important reminders for you to finish your group year strong.
9 Ideas To Change Up Group This Week
Is your group in a rut? Here are 9 ideas to mix things up and reengage your group.
Only Half of My Group Showed Up Last Night
How do you ride the attendance rollercoaster in your group? Here are 4 reminders when people don't show up to your group.
7 Reasons Community Groups Lose Momentum
How do you keep your group from losing momentum? Here are 7 group momentum killers to avoid.
Why Don't We Pray for Our Community Group?
Here are 5 ideas to help you pray for your group members regularly.
Take the Awkward out of Awkward Silences
Here are 8 ways to help your group overcome the challenge of awkward silence.
When Discussion Gets Off-Topic
Does your group struggle to stay on topic? Here are 6 ways we can help our discussions to remain focused.
Top Ten Summer Group Ideas
Here are 10 fun ideas for continuing to do life with your group during the summer months.
6 Ideas for Improving Group Prayer
Whether your group struggles to have more people participate in group prayer, or you'd like to try something a little different during your prayer time, here are 6 ideas for improving group prayer time.
The 2 Best Words to Boost Discussion
Here are two simple words we can use in almost any discussion to help the conversation go deeper.
Common Myths about Adding to Group
Sometimes our tendancy is to want to keep our group just the way it is. Here are 3 common myths about adding new people to a group.
Help with Timing Issues
We can demonstrate a respect for the people in our group by showing respect for their time in a tangible way: by starting and ending on time.
6 Ways to Boost Group Discussions
Struggling with group discussion? Here are some ideas to help boost participation.