Leading Your Community Group Through Gaining Ground
This Sunday, March 24th, we are kicking off both a new Community Group trimester and a new sermon series, "Gaining Ground."
We've asked all of Community Groups to participate in discussing this sermon series together in their groups. This is a significant series for our us as we look ahead to where God is leading us as a church.
Here are a few details to help you be prepared for a new trimester and discussing this series:
Preparing To Lead Your Group Through Gaining Ground
Pickup and use the Gaining Ground Booklet (Preview HERE)
All sermon notes and group discussion questions are included in this booklet as well as other content related to our Gaining Ground generosity initiative.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Week 1 and Week 2 Discussion Questions were printed in the wrong order. Please use the discussion questions on page 32 for Week 1 and the discussion questions on page 28 for week 2.
Pray Daily
Both ask God, "What would you have me to do?" and be praying that God may use this series to help each person in your group refocus their lives on their part to play in making more and better followers of Jesus.
Worship Together at Night of Worship (3/24) and the Salt Road Rally (4/7)
Set your calendars and invite your group members to sit with you for our Night of Worship services this Sunday 3/24 at 4:30pm or 6:30pm and to join you for our Salt Road Rally in Webster on April 7th at 5pm.
Plan A Party For Week 4 (April 14th-20th)
The final week of the series ends with a celebration Sunday as we make commitments together as a church toward our Gaining Ground generosity initiative. Instead of doing sermon discussion for the final week, we are encouraging all groups to throw a party together to celebrate what God is doing in the life of our church and in the lives of our group members.
Preparing to Lead Your Group Through the Spring Trimester
Review the Beginning of Trimester Agreement (Download HERE)
The beginning of each new trimester provides a great opportunity to remind your group of why we meet (To Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, & Care for Each Other) and review how we can make the most of our group experience.
Share your Group Volunteer Schedule (Download Template HERE)
Bring a preassigned volunteer schedule week 1, give people a chance to review it, and revise as necessary. The healthiest community groups share all of responsibilities of leading group each week.
Set Growth Goals (See examples HERE)
One of the best ways to encourage spiritual growth is to commit together with your group members 1 specific area you need to grow, and then encouraging each other throughout the trimester to follow through.
Contact your Group Coach or search this website. We'd love to be a resource to you!
Jason DeGraaff
Community Groups Pastor
Life Is Better Connected